Wednesday, August 18, 2010


So my lady Megan has a blog called TOMATOES&VODKA. Basically she loves Bloody Mary's (who doesn't?) and goes to different restaurants and bars and tries their signature BM's. She decides if they are delish or if they completely suck and she writes about it along with the funny stories that go along with the experience. I had only tried one of these really good drinks once in my life and I knew after reading her blog I had to try it again. We decided to throw a mini party at my house. So i whipped up some treats, set up a mini BM bar with all types of spicy toppings for your drinks, and rounded up some classy babes.. And VUOLLA! We had ourselves the perfect cocktail party. 

Here are some pictures of the evening..

Megan and I 

The babes we rounded up

The Bloodies we made were so spicy and yummy

Taking silly pics and having funny conversations

After a couple drinks we went to the parking lot and lit fire crackers. Was a perfect way to end a fantastic evening. It was a really fun night with my ladies and was very much needed. Pretty ladies, good convos, and a yummy cocktail is like therapy for me. BABESESHXTOMATOES&VODKA will definitely happen again.

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